Rune Decoder - Learn to Read the Runes that are Buried in Some of our Soaps!

Have you seen our Rune Stone Soap Bars? We have several different scents, and the best part is they come with your very own rune stone! Match your rune with the symbols in the rune decoder below to learn more about what your rune means. Also, keep reading after the charts for more information about the symbols and their intricate history.

Like our rune decoder and interested in more? We also sell complete rune sets for those who want to continue their divination journey.




ᚠ (F) Fehu; Cattle

Cattle/Wealth, Money

Represents wealth, abundance, and prosperity.

Often associated with material success and financial security.

ᛇ (Ei) Eihwaz, The Yew Tree

Loyalty in Love and Friendship, New Beginnings

Symbolizes endurance, resilience, and the connection between life and death.

It represents the ability to withstand adversity.

 (U) Uruz; Huge Wild Oxen

Wild Ox, Strength of will, Courage

Symbolizes strength, raw energy, and power.

It is indicative of physical health, vitality, and courage.

 (P) Perthro; The Gambling Cup

Chance, Good Luck, Self Assurance

Often associated with fate, mystery, and the unknown.

It is a rune of chance and potential.

 (Th) Thurisaz; Thor’s Hammer

Foreshadowing, danger, suffering

Represents defense, protection, and resistance.

It can also signify a challenge or a conflict that needs to be overcome.

 (Z) Algiz; The Elk or Eel-grass

Fearless Resolve, Altruism, Financial Stability 

Represents protection, guardianship, and connection with the divine.

It is a symbol of defense and shielding.

 (A) Ansuz; Odin

Voice of universe, Communication

Associated with communication, wisdom, and divine influence.

It represents the power of words and knowledge.

 (S) Sowilo; The Sun

Self Confidence, Health and  Happiness

Symbolizes success, honor, and spiritual power.

It represents the sun and the victory of light over darkness.

 (R) Raidho; Riding, Wagon Wheel

Work, Growth, Present time

Symbolizes movement, travel, and a journey.

It signifies progress and the right path in life or a situation.

 (T) Tiwaz; The Pole or Guiding Star

The hard path. Justice, Truth, Sacrifice 

Associated with justice, leadership, and moral strength.

It represents the qualities of discipline and responsibility.

 (K) Kenaz; The Torch

Fire, Inspiration, Inner insight

Represents knowledge, enlightenment, and understanding.

It can also symbolize creativity and inspiration.

 (B) ; The Birch Tree

Renewal, Healing, Spiritual Progress, Mother, Fertility

Symbolizes growth, renewal, and fertility.

It is often associated with new beginnings and nurturing.

 (G) Gebo; The Gift

Gift, Balance

Symbolizes gifts, generosity, and partnerships.

It represents the importance of balance in relationships and exchanges.

 (E) Ehwaz; The Horse

Harmonious Relationships, Balance, Growth

Represents partnership, trust, and cooperation.

It symbolizes harmony between companions or allies.

 (W) Wunjo; Joy

Personal Happiness

Associated with joy, happiness, and harmony.

It signifies contentment and the achievement of goals.

 (M) Mannaz; Mankind

Strengths & Weaknesses, Equality, Learning

Associated with humanity, self-awareness, and social order.

It represents the collective human experience.

 (H) Hagalaz; The Ice Seed

Destructive and Creative forces

Represents disruptive natural forces, change, and chaos.

It is often seen as a rune of challenge and transformation.

 (L) Laguz; Water, The Sea

Risks, Unexpected Opportunity, Intuition 

Symbolizes water, intuition, and the subconscious.

It represents emotional depth and fluidity.

 (N) Naudhiz; Festival Fire, Our Needs

Celebration of Self-Made Success, Love Magic

Symbolizes need, necessity, and survival. It can indicate hardships

but also the resilience and resourcefulness needed to overcome them.

 (Ng) Ingwaz; The Fertility God

Initiation, Creativity, Fertility- especially Male, Patience

Represents fertility, potential, and internal growth.

It is often associated with the god Ing and earth's fertility.

ᛁ (I) Isa; Ice

Caution, slow progress, reconciliation 

Represents stillness, stability, and the status quo.

It signifies a time of pause or a need for reflection.

 (D) Dagaz; The Awakening 

The light at the end of the tunnel

Symbolizes breakthrough, awakening, and awareness.

It represents clarity and the balance between night and day.

ᛃ (J) Jera; The Harvest

Fertility, Children, Reward or Bonus

Associated with cycles, harvest, and rewards.

It symbolizes the fruition of plans and the benefits of hard work.

 (O) Othala; the Homestead

Property Matters, Financial & Emotional Stability

Represents heritage, inheritance, and ancestral wisdom.

It signifies home, property, and the connection to one's roots.

The Elder Futhark runes, an ancient form of writing, are one of the oldest known runic alphabets. This is the alphabet that we have used in the rune decoder above. Originating in the 2nd century AD and used until approximately the 8th century, they hold a significant place in the history of written language, particularly among Germanic tribes in Northern Europe.


The name "Futhark" is derived from the first six letters of the runic alphabet - F, U, Þ (th as in "thing"), A, R, and K. This alphabet consists of 24 runes, each of which not only represents a sound but also carries its own meaning and symbolism. These meanings often relate to various aspects of life and the natural world, reflecting the beliefs and values of the societies that used them.


Elder Futhark runes were used for a variety of purposes. They served as a practical tool for writing, but they were also believed to possess magical and divinatory properties. Runes were carved on various materials, including wood, stone, metal, and bone. These inscriptions ranged from simple markings on grave goods and weaponry to more complex compositions found on memorial stones.


The use of Elder Futhark declined with the rise of Christianity, which brought the Latin alphabet to the regions where the runes were in use. However, their influence did not completely vanish. Runes evolved into various younger forms, such as the Younger Futhark and Anglo-Saxon Futhorc, adapting to changes in language and culture over time.


Today, the Elder Futhark runes are a subject of interest not only for linguists and historians but also for those interested in ancient cultures and mythology. They are often seen in modern media, art, and literature, reflecting their enduring legacy and mystique.

Now that you've had a chance to learn more about these ancient symbols, take a look below at a few of our Norse-Inspired Runestone Soaps. Grab a few, and come back to the rune decoder once you're ready for more divination.

Runestone soaps for our rune decoder